So important to have a script. At a class I was teaching recently a memoir writer came up to me during the break and asked if I would read his book. I was so taken off guard that I blurted out, “Um. Read your book? I’m sorry, no, I can’t do that” and he stormed out of the class!

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Ha -- it sounds like you said the exact right thing!

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Jun 12Liked by Jennie Nash

This is so good and so true! Thanks for addressing this problem with grace.

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Jun 12Liked by Jennie Nash

What a timely post. I am newly-certified fiction book coach, and I've known that this area is where I'd struggle the most. I am one of those who freely volunteers my time so much, for so many things. The problem is I end up feeling resentful and spread too thin. Then last week, I watched The Dark Knight with my teen daughter, and a line from the Joker (Heath Ledger) really stuck with me: "If you're good at something, never do it for free". Funny how a random line from a movie can make a difference, but it made me stop and think. How much of my expertise am I giving away for free?

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Ohhh that's a good line!!! Are you thinking of joining the pricing course?

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I can't attend this one. :( I'll be working through the business summit course next.

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Jun 11Liked by Jennie Nash

Great post. Especially about the “slots” - when pro bono or low bono potential clients compete with each other, it makes it easier for me to set limits.

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Glad it helped!

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"The Friends & Family Discount" Am I a friend? Just kidding I'd pay the going rate. BTW would book coaches do a la carte? For instance an author might not need ms help, but need a lot of help on the business side.

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You would need to find a coach who specializes in that aspect of the work.

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Thanks Jennie. I'll check it out. Also I'm hiding my Substack, where I have a lot of fun with all things writerly. I don't want them smelling a rat : )

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